Programme Overview
A bachelor’s degree in education can prepare you for a wide range of jobs and careers. Prospective students may want to consider pursuing their bachelor’s degree in education at UNIRAZAK as the programme prepares graduates for a rewarding career by helping young learners acquire the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in life.
Besides being qualified for teaching jobs, those who earn a degree in education can find careers in related roles, such as adult education or training in corporate environments or the non-profit sector. Due to growing demands in critical areas like Mathematics, Science, Communication Skills, and English as a Second Language, this specially-designed education programme emphasises teacher/instructor-led preparation in these fields.
With exposure to current technology trends in teaching and learning applications, our students can create, participate and interact with instructors and students through video conferencing as part of their coursework.
This programme also features social applications that allow students to interact and collaborate with peers through an online community site or virtual environment, simultaneously building technology skills that are essential for leading and guiding learners in the classroom
Programme Courses
MPU & University Courses
Education Foundation Courses
Discipline Core Courses
Elective Courses
Choose any FIVE (20 credits)
Related Discipline or from others minor
Other Discipline*/ or from other faculty
Internship Professional Practice