Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Automation and Robotics) with Honours (ART) programme is ETAC accredited and registered at MQA under Electronics and Automation specialization area. The duration of full-time study generally takes 4 years to complete. Students are required to complete 120 credit hours of courses that includes engineering technology core, humanities, technopreneur, capstone, final year project and industrial training. Graduate from ART can find their career path in manufacturing automation, robotic based automation, artificial intelligence in manufacturing and software development for machine interfacing and control.
Semester 1
- Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia (TITAS)
- Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2 (for International student)
- Calculus 1
- Fundamental English
- Professional English 1
- Engineering Ethics
- Mechatronics System Design
- Occupational Safety & Health
Semester 2
- Isu-Isu Kotemporari Muslim di Malaysia
- Culture and Lifestyle in Malaysia
- Engineering Drawing
- Workshop Practice
- Statics & Dynamics
- Electrical Principles
- Basic Programming
- Co-Curiculum 2
Semester 3
- Hubungan Etnik (L) / Malaysian Studies 3
- Calculus 2
- Material Science
- Computer Aided Design and Engineering 1
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Automation Technology
Semester 4
- Professional English 2
- Statistics for Engineering Technology
- Project Management
- Mechanics and Machine Design
- Electrical Machines
- Electronic Design 1
- Control Systems
Semester 5
- French 1
- Robotics
- Programmable Logic Controller & Industrial Networking
- Power Electronics and Drives
- Production & Operation Management
- Embedded System Technology
- Elective 1
Semester 6
- French 2
- Final Year Project 1
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Analytics
- Technopreneurship
- Elective 2
Semester 7
- Final Year Project 2
- Flexible Manufacturing System
- Mobile Robotics
- Innovation Management
- Elective 3
Semester 8
Industrial Training
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Vision Technology
- Real Time System
- Computer Aided Production Management
- Work Study
- Computer Aided Design 2