This programme is specifically designed to provide students with:
- Familiarity with a broad range of information technologies and how they are used.
- An understanding of frameworks and planning techniques for the strategic management of information systems in organisations.
- The ability to critically evaluate and apply appropriate strategies and techniques to the development of information technologies.
Students will learn fundamental skills required by every IT professional, and the basic understanding of the underlying computer system through Computer Architecture, operating systems, networking and databases. The modules will also help them develop personal and organisational skills, as well as nurture creativity and innovation.
- Introduction to Databases
- Introduction to Networking
- System Software and Computing Concepts
- Python Programming
- Digital Thinking and Innovation
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Integrated Computer Systems
- Mathematical Concepts for Computing
- Introduction to Security and Forensic Technologies
- Fundamental of Entrepreneurship
- Fundamentals of Web Design and Development
A broader range of skills will be learnt, in which students will gain a better understanding of frameworks and planning techniques for the strategic management of information systems, programming languages and techniques, and further analysis and design skills. We will further nurture their creativity and innovation as well as independent learning to prepare them for the workplace.
- Programming for Data Analysis
- System Development Methods
- Object Oriented Development with Java
- Innovation Process
- Mobile and Wireless Technology
- Concurrent Programming
- Human Computer Interaction
- Web Applications
- Research Methods for Computing and Technology
- Systems and Network Administration
- Integrated Business Processes with SAP ERP Systems
- Data Center Infrastructure
Students will undertake an Internship/Industrial Training for a minimum period of 16 weeks to prepare them for a smooth transition from the classroom to the working environment.
Students will make use of their previous studies and industrial experience to extend their familiarity in a broad range of information technologies and to refine their personal and professional development. Students will enhance their programming skills and move further into the areas of cloud computing and big data. A final year project requires them to investigate and develop a solution for a realworld problem - they will demonstrate their ability to combine technical knowledge, critical thinking and analytical skills to produce a personal achievement portfolio.
- Project Management
- Advanced Database
- Critical Issues in Managing Information Systems in Organisations
- Cloud Infrastructure and Services
- Venture Building
- Mobile and Web Multimedia
- Internet of Things: Concepts and Applications OR Distributed Computer Systems OR Blockchain Development
- Emergent Technology
- Designing and Developing Applications On the Cloud OR Knowledge Discovery and Big Data Analytics
- Investigations in Information Technology
- Information Technology Project
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisation (M’sian Students)
- Malay Communication Language (Int’l Students)
- Philosophy and Current Issues
- Workplace Professional Skills
- Integrity and Anti-corruption
- Co-Curriculum