Freshman (Year 1) at INTI
You will be able to choose from a wide range of subjects in Business, Foreign Languages, English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Humanities, Physical and Life Sciences as General Education Requirement (GER) subjects.
Sophomore (Year 2) at INTI
You will be able to choose subjects that are related to your desired major.
Sample Curriculum For Year 1 & 2
- Analysis of Information Systems
- Business Communication
- Business Management & Organization
- College Algebra
- Concepts of Calculus
- English Composition 1 & 2
- Essentials of Public Speaking
- Fine Arts Electives
- Financial Institutions, Market & Instruments
- Financial Management
- Humanities Electives
- Human Resource Management
- International Business Management
- Introduction to Computers & Information Processing
- Introduction to Microeconomics
Introduction to Macroeconomics
- International Marketing
- Natural Science Electives
- Principles of Accounting 1 & 2
- Principles of Marketing
- Production & Operations Management