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Doctor of Management

Course Information

Mode: Physical
Duration: 36 Month

February, May, October



Type: Full-time Study
Application fees: 10300 RM
Tuition fees: 12000.00 RM

Course Overview


The Doctor of Management (D.Mgmt.) programme is offered by full research. Students are required to enrol and pass the following pre-requisite courses with at least a B grade during the first two (2) trimesters of their enrolment (i.e. before being allowed to defend their thesis proposal):

  1. SZRZ6014 Research Methodology
  2. SCLE6014 Academic Writing

To be able to graduate, D.Mgmt. students are required to:

  1. present and defend a proposed research/thesis to a committee;
  2. present progress report of research work at colloquiums arranged by the Graduate School;
  3. produce either case study, articles or patented product(s) by choosing any of the following options:
    • Option A: Publish at least one (1) case study;
    • Option B: Produce at least one (1) article, which is published in a refereed journal
    • Option C: Produce at least 1 patented product co-owned by the candidate, supervisor(s), and UUM.
  4. The article or case study can either be produced individually or co-authored only with and consented by the supervisor(s).
  5. The article or case study accepted or published must be based on the D.Mgmt candidate’s research topic.
  6. The patented product must be the output from the D.Mgmt candidate’s research topic.
  7. The article or case study must be accepted or published during the candidacy.
  8. The article or case study must be accepted or published before a viva-voce session.
  9. The patented product must be registered during the candidacy or before the viva voce session.

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