Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is offered by full research. Students should have adequate research knowledge and skills as stipulated by the Academic Committee. Students who do not possess these criteria are required to register and pass the following two (2) pre-requisite courses with at least a B grade before they continue with their research:
- SZRZ6014 Research Methodology
- SCLE6014 Academic Writing; and/or
- Any other courses as determined by the supervisor or Academic Committee
Students are also required to:
- Present their research work at colloquiums/symposiums set by the respective Schools;
- Defend their research proposals successfully, as per requirement below:
- students are required to defend their proposals to a committee comprising a chairperson and two (2) reviewers appointed by respective Schools.
- students must submit two (2) copies of their proposals to respective Schools at least two (2) weeks prior to the defence.
- the reviewers would provide written comments and recommend the status of the research proposals at the end of the defence session.
- students are required to make amendments based on the comments and suggestions given by the reviewers.
- in case of re-defence, students are given a maximum of six (6) months to refine and to successfully re-defend their research proposals. Failure to do so would result in termination from the programme.
- Produce at least ONE (1) article, accepted/published for publication in a Scopus Indexed Journal before viva voce.
- Attend a viva voce session to defend their thesis, as per requirement below:
- Upon approval from their supervisor(s), students should fill the form “Intent to Submit Graduate Thesis/Dissertation” and submit it to respective Schools together with three (3) copies of the thesis (note that students are also required to submit the softcopy version of their thesis).
- Students will be informed of the viva voce session by respective Schools.
- Students have to pay the viva voce fee before the viva voce session.
- Submit a written thesis (only applicable for those who passed the viva voce session):
- Students should make corrections with guidance from the supervisor(s) based on comments and suggestions given during the viva voce session by the examiners.
- Before binding the final thesis, students should obtain approval (or signature) from respective Schools for certification of thesis.
- The thesis should be prepared in three copies (two in hard cover and one in loose copy), all of which are to be submitted to respective Schools.
- Business Information System
- Leadership and Organisational Behaviour
- Consumer and Market Analysis
- Financial Analysis and Policy
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Industrial and Development Economics