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Master of Science (Counselling)

Course Information

Mode: Physical
Duration: 24 Month

February, May, October



Type: Full-time Study
Application fees: 10300 RM
Tuition fees: 10000.00 RM

Course Overview


The Master of Science (Counselling) is a programme designed for individuals with some academic or practice background in counselling and psychology. This programme is offered in both coursework and research mode.


Students who are enrolled in Master of Science (Counselling) by coursework are required to complete 55 credit hours, which comprise the following:

Research Methods and Applied Statistics Component (7 Credit Hours)
SSMQ5033 Applied Statistics and Computer Application
SZRZ6014 Research Methodology

Theory of Counselling, Psychotherapy, Personality And Career (33 Credits)
SSKC5113 Theory and Practice of Individual Counselling
SSKC5123 Theory and Practice of Group Counselling
SSKC5133 Theory and Practice of Family and Marriage Counselling
SSKC5213 Applied Career Counselling
SSKC5223 Contemporary Career Seminar
SSKC5303 Counselling Ethics and Counselor Act 1998 (Act 580)
SSYM5223 The Psychology of the Adolescence and the Adult
SSYP5113 Psychological Testing and Assessment
SSYP5313 Theories of Personality and Psychotherapy
SSYS5313 Applied Social Psychology
SSYP5123 Appraisal in Counselling

Research Project (6 Credit Hours)
SSKZ6996 Project Paper

Practicum and Internship (9 credit hours)
SSKX5983 Counselling Practicum
SSKX5996 Internship

Specialization Courses (12 credit hours)
Students enrolling in the semester of September 2018 (Sem A181) are given the option to graduate by taking ONLY the generic components mentioned above (55 credit hours) OR to continue their studies by adding 12 credit hours from the following specialization component options. Students are allowed to choose only ONE of the following specialization fields.

(1) Clinical Mental Health Counselling

SSKC5313 Clinical Mental Health Counselling
SSYP5323 Art Therapy
SSKC5323 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Counselling
SSKC5333 Crisis Intervention and Prevention in Counselling

(2) Family and Marriage Counselling

SSKC5233 Advanced Theory and Practice in Family Counseling
SSKC5343 Ethical and Professional Development in Marriage and Family Therapy
SSKC5323 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Counselling
SSKC5333 Crisis Intervention and Prevention in Counselling

(3) Addiction and Correctional Counseling
SSYC5103 Addictions Counselling
SSYC5113 Correctional Counselling and Rehabilitation
SSWP5003 Correctional Treatment for Offenders
SSYC5123 Addiction Treatment for Special Population


Students who enroll in Master of Science (Counselling) by research are required to:

i. present and defend the proposed research to a committee;
ii. present the progress report of research work at colloquiums arranged by the Awang Had Salleh Graduate School (AHSGS);
iii. attend a viva voce session to defend the thesis; and
iv. submit a written thesis.

Students without sufficient research skills and knowledge are required to attend and pass the following courses with at least a B grade before being allowed to defend their proposal (i.e. within the first two semesters of their enrolment):

i. SZRZ6014 Research Methodology;
ii. SCLE6014 Academic Writing; and/or
iii. any other courses as determined by the supervisor or Academic Committee.

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