Master of Science (Educational Management) is offered in three (3) structures; coursework, coursework and dissertation, and full research.
Students must fulfill at least 42 credit hours, which comprise the following:
Compulsary Courses (12 credit hours)
SGDP6113 Research Methodology in Education
SGDP6123 Academic Writing for Educational Research
SGDP6133 Quantitative Data Analysis in Education
SGDP6033 Qualitative Research in Education
Core Courses (9 credit hours)
SGDU5133 Leadership in Education
SGDU5163 Strategic Management in Education
SGDU5173 Human Resources Management in Education
Specialization Courses (12 credit hours)
SGDU5033 School Management and Supervision
SGDU6043 Legal Aspect in Educational Management
SGDU6083 Financial and Physical Management in Education
SGDU6093 Quality Management in Education
Elective Courses (3 credit hours)
Choose 1 courses from the list below or any courses offered under Educational Studies:
SGDG5013 Schools and Society
SGDG6023 Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Educational Management
SGDU5083 Creativity in Management for Effective School
SGDU6033 Organizational Behaviour in Education
Project Paper (6 Credit Hours)
SGDZ6996 Project Paper
In order to be conferred Master of Science (Educational Management) by coursework and dissertation, students must fulfill 21 credit hours of coursework and 21 credit hours of dissertation. The programme structure is as follows:
Compulsary Courses (12 credit hours)
SGDP6113 Research Methodology in Education
SGDP6123 Academic Writing for Educational Research
SGDP6133 Quantitative Data Analysis in Education
SGDP6033 Qualitative Research in Education
Core Courses (9 credit hours)
SGDU5133 Leadership in Education
SGDU5163 Strategic Management in Education
SGDU5173 Human Resources Management in Education
Dissertation (21 credit hours)
SGDZ69921 Dissertation
Students are required to:
i. present and defend the proposed research to a committee;
ii. present the progress report of research work at colloquiums arranged by the Graduate School;
iii. attend a viva voce session to defend the thesis; and
iv. submit a written thesis.
Students are required to attend and pass the following courses with at least a B grade before being allowed to defend their proposal (i.e. within the first two semesters of their enrolment):
i. SGDP6113 Research Methodology in Education
ii. SGDP6123 Academic Writing for Educational Research
iii. SGDP6133 Quantitative Data Analysis in Education; or
iv. SGDP6033 Qualitative Research in Education