The Master of Science (Information Technology) by coursework is a 41-credit-hour programme which comprises the following:
Core Courses (24 credit hours)
STIN5014 Artificial Intelligence
STIW5054 Software Modelling and Design
STIW5044 Object Oriented Programming Development
STIJ5014 Distributed Systems
STID5034 Database Systems
STIQ6014 Research Methodology in Computing
Elective Courses (8 credit hours)
Choose TWO (2) courses from the following list or any other courses approved by the Dean of School of Computing (SoC):
STID6064 Computational Modelling and Simulation
STID6074 IT Facility and Service Management
STID6084 Seminar in Computing
STID6094 Directed Study in Computing
STIJ6064 Cybersecurity
STIJ6074 Mobile Development Technologies
STIJ6084 Forensic Computing
STIK6024 Future Networks
STIK6034 Virtualization in Networks
STIN5084 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
STIW6074 Human Computer Interactions
STIW6014 Requirements Engineering
STIW6044 Software Quality Measurement
STIW6054 Usability Engineering
STIW6064 Emergent Software Architecture
Project Paper (9 credit hours)
STIZ6999 Project in Computing
The Master of Science (Information Technology) by coursework and dissertation is a 40-credit hour programme which comprises the following:
Core Courses (16 credit hours)
STIW5054 Software Modelling and Design
STIJ5014 Distributed Systems
STID5034 Database Systems
STIQ6014 Research Methodology in Computing
Elective Course (4 credit hours)
Choose ONE (1) course from the following list or any other courses approved by the Dean of School of Computing (SoC):
STID6064 Computational Modelling and Simulation
STID6074 IT Facility and Service Management
STID6084 Seminar in Computing
STID6094 Directed Study in Computing
STIJ6064 Cybersecurity
STIJ6074 Mobile Development Technologies
STIJ6084 Forensic Computing
STIK6024 Future Networks
STIK6034 Virtualization in Networks
STIN5014 Artificial Intelligence
STIN5084 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
STIW5044 Object Oriented Programming Development
STIW6074 Human Computer Interactions
STIW6014 Requirements Engineering
STIW6044 Software Quality Measurement
STIW6054 Usability Engineering
STIW6064 Emergent Software Architecture
Dissertation (20 credit hours)
STIZ69920 Dissertation
Students are required to:
i. present and defend the proposed research to a committee;
ii. present the progress report of research work at colloquiums arranged by the
Graduate School;
iii. attend a viva voce session to defend the thesis; and
iv. submit a written thesis.
Students without sufficient research skills and knowledge are required to attend and
pass the following courses with at least a B grade before being allowed to defend
their proposal (i.e. within the first two semesters of their enrolment):
i. STIQ6014 Research Methodology in Computing;
ii. SCLE6014 Academic Writing; and/or
iii. any other courses as determined by the supervisor or Academic Committee.