The Bachelor of Education (Hons) Early Childhood Education is designed to provide you with the opportunities to develop knowledge, values and skills to thrive in the field of Early Childhood Education. With the growing demand for skilled professionals in early childhood studies, this qualification will equip you with a strong foundation in knowledge mastery, intellectual capital, developing technology and entrepreneurial skills, among others. This programme provides a relevant pathway for you to pursue after successfully completing pre-university studies, and lays the foundation for you to progress onto a Master or PhD in Education.
With this Course, You Will:
- Demonstrate mastery of pedagogical content knowledge in the area of Early Childhood Education through theory and practice.
- Apply cognitive skills in designing and improving learning experiences in a range of Early Childhood Education settings.
- Apply practical skills in creating a safe, nurturing and conducive environment in Early Childhood Education settings.
- Function with effective interpersonal in engaging withing appropriate scope of cross-cultural and social responsibility to improve the quality of Early Childhood Education.
- Communicate with effective capacity in working independently and collaboratively with young children, peers, professional communities, and society in Early Childhood Education.
- Apply technology to plan and execute the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills for self- development and lifelong learning in Early Childhood Education profession.
- Demonstrate problem-solving and scientific methods to synthesize and articulate numerical and visual aids information in the area of Early Childhood Education.
- Display leadership, autonomy and responsibility in their own practice and continuous professional development in area of Early Childhood Education.
- Demonstrate personal and information management skills for continual engagement in lifelong learning and career development plans in Early Childhood Education professions.
- Develop capacity for creativity and perseverance in cultivating entrepreneurial mindset and competencies in initiating Early Childhood Education projects.
- Demonstrate commitment to effective practice of ethics and professionalism appropriate to Early Childhood Education code of practice.