The Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Corporate Communication (BCCC) prepares students with extensive theoretical and practical skills of corporate communication such as organizational communication, managerial communication, and crisis management among many other courses which would equip students to communicate across borders.
Corporate communication is a huge field because you have to communicate with not only locals, but with people from all over the world. It is important to know the right way to communicate with them and also how to avoid crisis. This course prepares students with theoretical knowledge and also skills that they will need to succeed in the corporate field.
Year 1
MPU Subjects (U1), Human Communication, Theories of Communication, Small Group Communication, Introduction of Corporate Communication, Mass Media and Society, Introduction to Corporate Multimedia, Introduction to Social Science, Communication Law and Ethics, Office Application Technology, Basic Marketing, Critical Reading Skills, Public Speaking, MPU Subjects (U2)
Year 2
MPU Subject (U3), Organizational Communication Strategies, Cross Cultural Communication, Corporate Writing, Corporate Interviewing, Corporate Communication Strategies, Managing Advertising and Promotion, Managing Media Relations, International Relations, Managerial Communication, Basic Entrepreneurship, Meeting Skills, International Marketing, Freee Elective I, MPU Subject (U4)
Year 3
Crisis Communication Management, Integrated Marketing Communication, Research Methods, Knowledge Management, Effective Negotiation, Internet Marketing, Project Paper, Free Elective II, Industrial Training