Electro-mechanical technology is an important field that has great potential in the industry today.
Also known as mechatronic engineering, this programme combines mechanical, electrical, electronics, computer technology, telecommunications, robotics and control to deliver a unified system.
This area has become the backbone of industries, especially in the manufacturing industry since microprocessors and microcontrollers are used in industrial control.
Year 1
Engineering Science, Technical Analytics, Engineering Drawing 1, Electrical Circuit, Electrical Circuit Lab, Engineering Workshop, Fundamental of Engineering Mechanics, Digital Electronics, Digital Electronics Lab, Fundamental of Electronics Lab, Computer Programming, Electronics 2, Electronics 2 Lab, Materials & Processes, MPU Subjects (U1)
Year 2
Introduction to Design, Electronic Computer Aided Design, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Thermofluids, Control System, Control System Lab, Robotic System, Engineering Drawing 2 (CAD), Automation Technology, Communication Systems, Microcontroller, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Instrumentation and Measurement, Engineering Software & Application, Technical & Professional Communication
Year 3
Project 1, Electro-mechanical Technology Design, Electrical Power & Machines, Electrical Power & Machines Lab, Technical Elective 1, Project 2, Power Electronics, Manufacturing Processes, Technical Elective ll, Technical Elective lll, Engineering Management, Safety & Economics, Co-curriculum, MPU Subjects (U2, U3)
Year 4
Practical Training