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Bachelor of Islamic Studies (Honours)

Course Information

Mode: Physical
Duration: 36 Month

["January", "July" "October"]


Petaling Jaya

Type: Full-time Study
Application fees: 9000 RM
Tuition fees: 12000.00 RM

Course Overview

Program Aim

The programme aims is to focus on Muslim cultures and societies both past and present and Recognizing the diversity of approaches within Islam and its global reach, the program aims at providing students with guidance in the textual traditions and social life of Muslims across different times and places. This programme offers an academic approach that integrates proportional and theoretical methods that have developed in the modern academic study of Islam. Students may also gain information about the linguistic variance and cultural convergence in the Islamic world throughout history. The primary aims of the programme are as follows:-

  • To prepare students with ample Islamic knowledge so that they are able to practice them in every day life.
  • To present the correct image and illustration of Islam for the betterment of the Muslim Ummah and the world community at large.
  • To provide students with Islamic, social, technical and academic information required to participate efficiently in the community.
  • To focus study on various branches of Islamic awareness in order to pave the way to deal with applications of Islamic information for the solution of current issues.
  • To study the entire range of Islamic civilization and culture to include, beside the religion of Islam, the socio-economic structure, military, administration, development of different sciences and ideas, cultural life, cosmology, mysticism, literature and fine arts, and many other features of Islamic civilization.

Career Opportunities

There are immense profession fields for the students in Islamic Studies. Graduates are eligible for positions in general and religious administrations in public or private religious institutions. Specialist expertise in various forms of Islamic religion and Muslim cultures, combined with knowledge of comparative and social scientific approaches to culture and religion are of growing importance in today’s world. Students with the specialist skills have an advantage in many workplaces. Along with the scope for further research and teaching, graduates of this programme may enter in the jobs related to-

  • banking
  • business
  • charities
  • diplomacy
  • insurance
  • international aid
  • journalism
  • media
  • public service
  • teaching
  • tourism

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