Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Aeronautics) (Hons) is one of the most challenging fields of engineering with a wide scope for growth. This is a multidisciplinary programme where students are equipped with in depth knowledge of Physics and Mathematics, core skills in mechanical engineering with hands-on aircraft maintenance fundamentals to excel and develop as an aircraft maintenance engineer. The program would produce professionals with capacity to invent, to integrate, and to deploy the latest development in Mechanical and Aeronautics Engineering field. During the course students cover core mechanical disciplines including engineering mechanics, thermodynamics and control system while developing skills in project management and public speaking. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Aeronautics) (Honors), Lincoln University College prepare students to be an industry-ready professional engineer capable of applying the principles of technology and science to the design, production and operation of systems, devices and machinery.
Program Aim
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Aeronautics) (Hons) aims to equipped engineering graduates with enhanced knowledge of physics and materials science along with aeronautical engineering to play a leading professional roles in industry and public service
The aims of this programme are:
- To train the students to meet the ever increasing current industrial demand by providing technical knowledge regarding the principles underlying Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics.
- To Develop expertise in planning, designing, constructing, supervising and managerial skills this is essential for the infrastructure of the modern technological communities.
- To Foster the development of personal qualities and professional competencies required to progress to evaluation as a Mechanical Engineer.
- To provide a relevant and useful programme, that can meet the needs of the individual, containing both theoretical and practical subjects within the broad areas of flight dynamics, structures, aerodynamics, materials, sustainable aviation and aerospace-related systems.
- To equip graduates with a detailed knowledge of advanced methods in aeronautical engineering, including theoretical foundations, computational and experimental methods and engineering applications.
Career Opportunities
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Aeronautics) (Hons) is focused on delivering Mechanical and Aeronautics engineering expertise with a clear focus on the needs of industry and producing graduates who are able to design, operate and manage Mechanical equipments and who can provide leadership in innovation, research and technology transfer. However, being based on a mechanical engineering degree, graduates will retain flexibility in the choice of many industrial sectors including energy engineering, manufacturing, design consultancy, materials processing, and aviation maintenance.
Some careers that graduates can attain once they complete the course are:
- Sustainable Energy Engineer
- Robotics Engineer
- Quality Control Engineer
- Vibrations Engineer
- Aerospace Engineer
- Materials Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Manufacturing Engineer
- Aircraft Engineer
- Noise Control Engineer
- Instrumentation Engineer
- Product engineer
- Design engineer
- Engineer production
- Product innovation
- Manager systems engineer