Y1S1 |
Introduction to Pharmacy Practice |
Introduction to Pharmacology |
Physical Pharmacy |
English for Academic Writing |
Digital Skills Proficiency |
Developing Inquisitive Scientific Mind |
Human Values for Sustainability |
Y1S2 |
Dispensing Practice I - Solid Preparations |
Drugs That Act on Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems |
Dosage Form Design I - Solid Preparations |
Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry |
Biochemistry |
Anatomy and Physiology II |
Ethnic Relation + B. Melayu Komunikasi 2 for International Student |
Mental Health 2 |
Y2S1 |
Dispensing Practice II - Liquids & Semi Solid Preparations |
Drugs That Act on Central Nervous System |
Dosage Form Design II- Liquid and Semi Solid Preparations |
Introduction to Organic Synthesis and Stereochemistry of Drugs |
Introduction to Pharmaceutical Analysis |
Medicinal Chemistry I |
Pharmaceutical Microbiology |
Veterinary Pharmacy (Elective) |
Y2S2 |
Dispensing Practice III - Sterile Preparations and Aerosols |
Drugs That Act on Endocrine, Reproductive and Gastrointestinal Systems |
Dosage Form Design III - Sterile Preparations and Aerosols |
Analytical Techniques in Pharmaceutical Analysis |
Medicinal Chemistry II |
Pharmaceutical Immunology |
TITAS/ Malaysian Studies 3 for International Student |
Y3S1 |
Introduction to Pharmacotherapy |
Pharmacotherapy of Respiratory, Endocrine and Gastrointestinal Disorders |
Hospital Pharmacy |
Biostatistics and Epidemiology |
Pharmacy Ethics and Legislation |
Drugs That Act on Respiratory, Haematological, Inflammatory and Dermatological Disorders |
Drugs and Substance Use (Elective) |
Pharmacotoxicology |
Y3S2 |
Pharmacotherapy of Infections |
Pharmacotherapy of Oncology and Haematology Disorders (Elective) |
Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy |
Community Pharmacy |
Drug in Sports and Lifestyle Drugs (Elective) |
Antimicrobial, Antiviral, And Anticancer Drugs and modulators |
Advance Drug Delivery System II - Pharmaceutical Biotechnology |
Radiopharmacy (Elective) |
Y4S1 |
Clinical Pharmacokinetics |
Pharmacotherapy of Renal and Cardiovascular Disorders |
Pharmacoeconomics |
Drugs That Act on Cardiovascular and Renal Systems |
Industrial Pharmacy - Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs |
Pharmacognosy and Complementary Medicine (Elective) |
Research Methodology |
Introduction to Business (Elective) |
Y4S2 |
Entrepreneurship |
Pharmacotherapy of Dermatology, Neurology, and Bone and Joint Disorders |
Pharmacotherapy of Psychiatric Disorders (Elective) |
Pharmacotherapy in Special Population (Elective) |
Pharmacy Management |
Research Project |