About the Course
Teacher education in technical vocational education and training is essential to sustainable development of the national economy. At Management and Science University, teacher education in electrical and electronic engineering will equip you with the basics of both teaching and also technology and engineering concepts so you can help students prepare for entry into higher, technical vocational education. Mentoring by your lecturers will add depth and breadth to your understanding of electrical and electronic engineering teaching. Holistic and collaborative MSU learning experiences will enhance your core competencies in electrical and electronic engineering teaching as well as your soft skills.
Among the Courses Offered
Year One
- Philosophy of Education
- Instrumentation and Measurement
- Engineering Statistics
- Psychology in Education
Year Two
- Numerical Method
- Electronic Circuit Analysis
- Solid State
- Co-curriculum in Education
Year Three
- Macro Teaching
- Power System
- Teaching Practicum
Career Prospects
- Secondary School Living Skills Teacher
- Vocational School and Polytechnic Teacher
- Curriculum Consultant