- The programme is internationally benchmarked, approved by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).
- Interactive learning activities.
- Easy access to myPLS anytime, anywhere any devices.
- Access to the physical and digital library comprising of around 190,000 e- books, 95,000 e-journals, and 2.4 million e-theses titles accessible anywhere anytime.
Core Subjects
- Fundamental Concepts of ICT
- Computer Programming
- Operating Systems
- Discrete Mathematics
- Information Systems Analysis and Design
- Database System
- Object Oriented Programming
- Computer Communication and Networks
- Introduction to Multimedia
- Human Computer Interaction
- Computer Security
- Management Information Systems
- Computer Ethics and Cyberlaw
- Knowledge Management
- ICT Project Management
- Project Proposal
- Final Project
- Industrial Training
Concentration Subjects
Choose one(1) only
- Information Systems
- Design Language: Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- E-Commerce
- Customer Relationship Management
- Computer System and Business Process
- Data Warehousing
- Decision Support Systems
- Accounting Information Systems
- IS Audit and Control
- IS Strategic Planning
- User Interface Design
- Multimedia Computing
- Multimedia System
- Audio Technology for Multimedia
- Video Technology for Multimedia
- Multimedia Web Development
- Principles & Design of Animation
- Digital Animation Development
- Virtual Reality
- Game Design & Development
- Mobile Computing
- Multimedia Authoring & Scripting
- Enterprise Networking
- Fundamental of Enterprise Networking
- Routing Protocol and Concepts
- LAN Technologies
- Distributed Systems
- Introduction to Network Programming & Design
- Switching Technologies
- Wireless Technologies
- Enterprise Network Management
- Mobile Communications
- WAN Technologies
- Software Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Requirements Engineering
- Software Constructions
- Software Quality Assurance
- Software Testing
- Software Architecture and Design
- Software Engineering for Real Time Systems
- Agile Software Development
- Software Integration and Improvement
- Usability Engineering
- Digital Marketing Technology and Analytics
- Principle of Marketing
- International Marketing
- E- Advertising
- Internet Marketing
- Internet Security
- Essential of Big Data and Data Analytics
- Market Intelligence and Data Visualization
- Social Media Marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- Interactive Digital Marketing
General Subjects
Applicable to Malaysian Students only
- Academic Writing
- Comparative Ethics
- Social Responsibility Project
- Falsafah dan Isu Semasa
- Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban
Applicable to International Students (in Malaysia)
- Academic Writing
- Comparative Ethics
- Social Responsibility Project
- Malay Language and Communication 2
- Falsafah dan Isu Semasa
Applicable to International Students (Abroad)
- Academic Writing
- Comparative Ethics
- Social Responsibility Project
- Basics of English Grammar
- The Web Economy
The Web Economy
University Compulsory Subjects
- Information Literacy and Research Skills
- Entrepreneurship in Asia