Programme Details
The duration of the programme is 4 years.
In each year there are two long-semesters consisting of 14 weeks of instruction with 2 weeks of examinations, and one short-semester consisting of 7 weeks of instruction with 1 week of examinations. The long-semesters start in January and May, while the short-semester starts in September.
In the months of September to Decembers, students undergo industrial training under the Co-Operative Placement Scheme to learn and to familiarize themselves with real life working environment. In addition, students also undertake a research and development project in their final year.
The number of contact hours per courses per week depends on the credit and teaching methodology of each course. Each credit is approximately equivalent to 1 hour of class, or 2 hours of labs per week.
The teaching and learning strategies and assessment are designed depending on and according to the nature of course or topic being taught or investigated. The Faculty implements different methods and styles of teaching and learning and assessment to ensure the successful achievement of the learning outcomes of its programmes, that includes
- Ordinary classroom lectures
- Group tutorials
- Laboratory works
- Seminars and eforums
- Directed and self learning
- Invited guest lectures
- Industrial visits
Courses Offered
Year 1
- Statistics
- Technical Communication
- Mathematical Methods for Engineers I
- Mathematical Methods for Engineers II
- Engineering Design and Drawing
- Circuit Theory I
- Digital Electronics I
- Analogue Electronics I
- Electromagnetic Theory I
- Engineering Programming and Software
- Circuit Design Lab I