Ideal for students who are curious and enjoy life-long learning, and analysing behaviour and thinking. This programme stands out for its effective blend of world-class theories and hands-on learning which offers a greater understanding of human minds, emotions and behaviours. An emphasis on soft skills such as communication and leadership gives students an added edge in terms of future employability in the fields of social work, counselling, law, political science, and human resource
Courses Offered
Year 1
- Hubungan Etnik (Local) OR Malaysian Studies (International)
- Tamadun Islam and Tamadun Asia (Local) OR Bahasa Komunikasi 3 (International)
- University Life
- Introduction of Psychology
- Positive Psychology
- Extra-curricular Learning Experience 1
- Statistics for Psychology
- Lifespan Development
- Social Psychology
- Religions in Malaysia
- Co-Operative Placement 1
Liberal Arts Electives (Choose THREE)
- Critical Issues in the Contemporary World
- Future Directions, Futurecasting
- Persuasive Speech
- Thinking and Being
Year 2
- Psychological Research Methods 1
- Psychological Research Methods 2
- Neuropsychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Extra-curricular Learning Experience 2
- Personality Theories
- Psychological Testing and Measurement
- Counselling Theories and Techniques
- Educational Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Co-Operative Placement 2
Psychology Electives (Choose THREE)
- Human Sexuality
- Family and Marriage
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Expressive Therapy
- Media Psychology and Technology
- Sport Psychology
Year 3
- Industrial and Organisational Psychology
- Abnormal Psychology
- Independent Project A
- Extra-curricular Learning Experience 3
- Philosophical Issues in Psychology
- Ethics and Professional Issues in Psychology
- Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Independent Project B
- Entrepreneurial Psychology
- Professional Development in Psychology
- Co-Operative Placement 3
General Courses (MPU) are compulsory for all students.
For Malaysian students:
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations
(Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban)
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
(Falsafah dan Isu Semasa)
For foreign students:
- Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
- Communication in Bahasa Melayu 3
(Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 3)